Contact US

Your information is 100% confidential. We will call you soon to discuss availability.


15, 1225 wonderland Road North N6G2V9,LONDON,ONTARIO SHERWOOD FOREST MALL Phone: 226-721-8777 Fax: 226-721-8778
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Your information is 100% confidential. We will call you soon to discuss availability.

Three Things You Should Know

  1. You don't need a doctor's referral to come see us
  2. Your visit will last between 30 and 60 minutes
  3. You should wear non-restrictive clothing, like sweatpants or shorts and a T-shirt

You Can Complete Your Paperwork in Advance

Save time by filling out online forms. You can either fill out online before your appointment we will send it to you after you book your sppointment or bring them with you when you come to see us. Or simply arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of your first visit to complete your intake forms at the clinic.

Make an appointment at Planet Health Care.

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